Deane-Rose Ngatai-Tua
Tēnā koutou,
Ko Deane-Rose Ngatai-Tua tōku ingoa. He uri ahau nō Ngāti Porou me Waikato-Tainui. Ko Te Whānau-ā-Hinerupe me Ngāti Wairere ngā hapū.
Born and raised in Waitākere, I grew up in kaupapa Māori education units in west and central Auckland. My husband Jarrod and I have a 3-year-old daughter Pia and live in Kelston.
My tertiary background is in Design. I graduated with a Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Photography and Media Arts) from Unitec in 2010 and a Master of Design in 2015. My masters kaupapa explored urban Māori experiences in kaupapa Māori education pathways through visual storytelling.
I have recently joined the Tamaki Regeneration Company as a Service and System Designer. For the last 3-4 years I have worked at Auckland Council in Community Services and Māori Outcomes. Before starting my journey in local government, I spent many years working at Kura Gallery in Auckland and a year at Corban Estate Arts Centre.
I’m passionate about making a difference in our communities and excited by systems change. I bring a Māori worldview and bicultural lens to my mahi that helps me to bridge and navigate the spaces and systems of te ao Māori and te ao Pākehā. I’m inspired by stories and driven by the kaupapa.
Outside of mahi I am a kapa haka performer with Angitu Kapa Haka and support Jarrod to run our building and construction business.