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LIVESTREAM: Co-developing Service Futures in Confinement - designing with inmates

Tue, 24 Mar



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LIVESTREAM: Co-developing Service Futures in Confinement - designing with inmates
LIVESTREAM: Co-developing Service Futures in Confinement - designing with inmates

Time & Location

24 Mar 2020, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm


About The Event

Approximately 50 percent of people under the care and management of Ara Poutama Aotearoa (the Department of Corrections) identify as Māori, compared with 15 percent of the general population.  In 2017 the Waitangi Tribunal found the Crown in breach of its Treaty obligations by failing to prioritise the reduction of the high rate of Māori reoffending relative to non-Māori. In December 2018, Cabinet agreed to adopt ‘major improvement’ in services as the strategic path for the prison network and in 2020 Ara Poutama Aotearoa adopted a new organisational strategy Hōkai Rangi rooted in Māori values and to be applied to all people in care, with a greater commitment to rehabilitation and reintegration programmes, and the rollout of kaupapa Māori spaces and services at every prison. 

EY was tasked with developing a business case for the kinds of changes envisaged, using human centred design to define new service concepts driven by in-depth qualitative research, co-developed in workshops with community organisations, staff, and Māori representatives, and incorporating the ideas of Hokai Rangi.  The team spent 4 weeks in prisons and at Community Corrections sites talking to people about their whakapapa, important life experiences, and their time with Ara Poutama Aotearoa. 

At this CX Collective event, the aim of the EY team is to share key points about methodology with you.  You will get to ask questions of the research and design team.  You will also gain some insight into the lived experience of people who have spent time in NZ prisons and their whanau, based on available public documents.  Please note that the team cannot disclose any information that is not already public.  To this effect, personal accounts may be fictionalised but reflect the nature of public findings.


5.30pm - Arrival, networking and light refreshments

6.00pm - Talk and interactive workshop (Livestream starts)

7.30pm - Event finish and networking


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